Buying Aviation Headset For The First Time? Avoid These Mistakes
On the ground, you will find several types of
headsets, which encompass different technologies and advancements.
Considering the certain aspects make it easier to purchase the right
headset. But, the entire scenario is completely different when buying
the aviation headsets. Aviation headset is one of the essential items for any pilot. Badly, these headsets are extremely expensive.
As it is required to use regularly, it is necessary to research well and find the right one, which lasts for a long time. Even though you are more cautious, the chance of making the mistake is extremely high. It is especially true when you do not have enough idea regarding this purchase. In the following section, you get to know the major mistakes, which you have to avoid when buying the aviation headset.
• Not checking the comfort
When it comes to buying the aviation headset, it is not important to look at the price and features alone. You have to spend some time and ensure how comfortable to use and wear this headset. Even though a specific type of headset provides the best sound but compromise on comfort, then ignore that and look for something comfortable.
Keep in mind that the headsets, which feel better for a few seconds make you feel different after some hours in the hot cockpit. Many different factors affect the overall comfort of the headset such as clamping strength (how tight the headset fits into your head). You have to pay close attention to those aspects before making a purchase decision.
• Not comparing ANR and PNR
Another common mistake pilot often does when selecting the headset is not comparing PNR and ANR to pick up the right one as per their needs. Apart from TSO and non-TSO, pilot headsets are available in two different categories as PNR (passive noise reduction) and ANR (active noise reduction).
With the ANR aviation headsets, the tiny microphone fit inside the ear cup picks the noise around it easily. Now, the noise sample is passed to the electronics, which generate the opposite mirror image of the sound. The small speakers produce the new sound back out to your ear cups. Since the generated sound is the anti-sound to the original noise, it meets and then cancels each other. Thus, it results in silence and saves your hearing.
On the other hand, PNR is much similar to soundproofing the garage whenever you are in the band. It often blocks the damaging noise through the barriers. It also relies on a clamping mechanism to keep the ear cups sealed against the pilot’s head. It covers their ears completely and the dense foam inside the ear cup absorbs all the sound.

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